Young Foxes

Young Foxes
Wild Baby Foxes

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Beer Review #3 - The Beer that Launched 1,000 Ships (but was named after one)

The Don De Dieu from the Unibroue Brewery in Chambly Quebec is a top fermented triple wheat Belgian strong pale ale, and what a mouthful it is. It's fairy tale meets Peter Jackson cover art preps the drinker for a slightly exotic wheat beer experience. In 1608 the King of France commissioned explorer Samuel de Champlain de Brouage to command the Don De Dieu and explore "this vast and inhospitable land called America." The Don De Dieu's exotic aromas and flavors certainly support the imperialist spirit that the Europeans so deeply cherish.

The brew is a golden amber orange and features a medium body and yeasty haziness that gives you something to chew on. The aroma is filled with tropical fruit, spice, vanilla, malt, and a yeastiness characteristic of the re-fermented Unibroue beers. The 9.0% ALC is hard to notice due to the beer's lushness and smooth complex flavor. The Don De Dieu is a Belgian style wheat ale to compete with the best of them. Viva la Canada!

Grade: B+

IBU:10.5 IBU stands for International Bitterness Unit, a scale that indicates the level of hop bitterness of a beer. Technically speaking an IBU is 1 ppm isohumulone, an acid that comes from the hops used to brew. A 10.5 is very low! Bitterness seekers look elsewhere, start with an Irish Stout or an IPA.

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