Young Foxes

Young Foxes
Wild Baby Foxes

Monday, August 30, 2010

Beer Review #2 - A White Ale From 日本

Every great nation has some type of beverage associated with it (hopefully more than one). When you think of Japan a couple of things should come to mind, tea, sake, and maybe Suntory whisky if your really into the salary man Japanese boozing scene. You might not think of delicious beer, but as the world becomes "flatter" and beer recipes continue to spread over hill and dale Japan's Kiuchi Brewery in the Ibaraki prefecture has produced some excellent selections as part of the Hitachino "nest beer" line.

The Hitachino White Ale is in the "Witbier" style. It features a light and hazy golden straw color with a nice frothy white head, smooth carbonation, and classic wheat beer aromas including coriander and lemongrass. The body comes in at a creamy medium, fruit and spice dominating the initial impressions. The White Ale has a dry and refreshing finish and would be great with sushi, soba noodles, Thai food, a sandwich, pretzels, or really anything be it from the east or west. I recommend trying one, writing a haiku, having another, and then attempting some difficult varietal of martial arts.

Grade: B+

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